10 Signs Your Guardian Angel is Protecting You Everyday


One topic of interest that is common among most religions and spirituality, is the idea of angels! Regardless of what they are described as we all have a special form of life energy positively watching over us throughout each day!

Angels are a very heartwarming and comforting subject to think about. Just the idea of a higher power watching over you for sanctity makes you feel good inside and almost safe. While nobody can agree on one religion, purpose, or even a spiritual idea, angels are talked about in almost every different religion there is. Guardian angels are a manifestation of positive energy that only has our best of intentions in mind.

They watch over us and try to guide us along a positive pathway of self-discovery and integrity. Angelic forces might be the very reason we are still breathing today. Perhaps they kept the drunk driver out of your path one night, made you think to put your seatbelt on before a crash, or even manifested the very cells that defeated a deadly virus in our bodies! There are endless scenarios of moments where an angel could have saved us!

We each have angels watching over all, but sometimes they can be paying specific attention to you. They might be trying to let you know something, warn you of something dangerous in your path. No matter the reason, those of us who are being specifically watched by guardian angels will experience these signs. These are the most common indicators that a higher angelic force is cautiously guiding you to the right place. Listen to your intuition at this time.

1. Finding Feathers

Feathers are one of the most strongly associated things to guardian angels. If you are in an area where you wouldn’t expect to see feathers but do, you might be near your guardian angel. Angels like to leave feathers as a reminder that they are there, and watching over us. This is especially true if someone has found a white feather.

2. Finding Pennies On Heads

You found a penny on heads, so expect to have good luck this week. We’ve all heard this folktale throughout all of our lives. However, it is believed that guardian angels leave these behind as a message and as a blessing. They do it to help people feel happy and to also give a bit of life advice.

3. Seeing Common Rainbows

While there might not be a pot of gold at the end of it, rainbows do have a meaning. They are very spiritual and are a natural source of awe and beauty. If one sees a rainbow that appears without the presence of rain, this is more than likely a sign sent by an angel. They like to remind us that they are around so that we know we are not alone.

4. Noticing Oddly Shaped Clouds

You might have picked out the shapes of clouds when you were younger, but did you ever think that they might be the evidence of entities? Sways and traces in the clouds often are an indicator that a guardian angel is watching over you, and trying to guide you in a certain direction. It is not uncommon to see hearts, flowers, or even the shape of an angel in the clouds.

5. Change In Temperature

If you experience a random change in temperature, a guardian angel is very close to you. Guardian angels travel and exist through frequencies and vibes. The presence of a guardian angel might change the way the air molecules are reacting, and it will cause a noticeable change in the temperature of the room. Be very observant, as your guardian angel might be telling you something important. Your ability to see this might just be based on your ability to believe in it.

6. Feeling a Presence

If you feel as if you are being watched, then this is a major indicator. It happens more often than we think too. This is often a sign of a deceased loved one watching out for you, or keeping up with what you are doing. Feeling a presence in the room with you is a clear sign that they are trying to contact you.

7. Hearing Your Name

Have you ever been walking somewhere, in public perhaps, and hear your name very blatantly called out? Perhaps even more than once. It usually catches your attention immediately, as intended. Your spirit guide is trying to get your attention! Open yourself up to the spiritual world and see if you can make contact.

8. Vivid Dreams or Memories

Although it is normal to dream, you may be experiencing abnormal dreams. They are extremely vivid, and you remember them very well. It is almost as real as what is right in front of you. This can also happen with memories. If you have sudden memories, but can’t exactly place where they came from, then this is a key indicator your spirit guide is trying to contact you.

9. Enhanced Senses

can you suddenly hear, smell, and see better? There might be a period of ten seconds that your senses are enhanced extremely. It feels as if you move they will go away, and it’s almost like a daydream. If you have experienced this before, then it’s a telling sign that you’re on the right track.

10. Electronics Acting Odd

You might have entered a room to witness a TV turning on by itself or switching to a static channel. This is a huge sign that a guardian angel is trying to contact you. Because spirits among frequencies it might disrupt some electronics.




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