These are the 21 Saints Every Catholic Should be Praying With Right Now!!


13. A Saint of your spirituality

Our spiritual reading will vary; as it does, we ought to pray with a particular Saint of that aspect of the spiritual life. Reading a book by a Carthusian? St. Bruno could be your guy. Really digging the Dominicans? St. Catherine of Siena would be happy to oblige. Pray for an appropriate Saint’s help and guidance as you read.

14. A Saint of your ministry or apostolate

Serve primarily in your church in the choir? St. Cecilia and St. Hildegard ought to be friends of yours. Prison ministry more your line? Consider St. Maximilian Kolbe, or Sts. Felicity and Perpetua. Call on the Saints who know your ministry; they will help you all the more.

15. A Saint of your greatest weakness

Those struggling with addiction like to call on Venerable Matt Talbot. There are many Saints who can help with chastity, from St. Maria Goretti to St. Charles Lwanga and companions. Frequent calling on the Saints who know our specific infirmities will only speed our trust in God’s mercy.



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