3 Powerful Sacramentals Every Catholic Must Have in their Bags, Wallets or Purse


Bring God with you wherever you go, even into your next business meeting.

Sacramentals are meant to enrich our spiritual lives, reminding us of God wherever we are in the world. They have been instituted by the Church to draw us into a deeper relationship with Christ and are focused on sanctifying every part of our lives. Sacramentals are extensions of the seven sacraments and bring the grace of God into everything that we do, whether it be at home, church, or work.

One place we don’t always think to bring sacramentals is in our briefcase or purse, so that they can be used in whatever circumstance we find ourselves. If used in a spirit of faith, sacramentals can protect us (and others) from spiritual harm or inspire us to live a holy life dedicated to God.

Here are three such sacramentals that, if used properly, can provide a spiritual boost anywhere you may be as well as keep away spiritual enemies that are trying to thwart the good work you are hoping to accomplish.

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Holy water

Holy water has a double meaning, reminding us of our baptism as well as being a symbol of spiritual cleansing. Holy water is said to have great power over the devil as the devil cannot stand this “clean” water, since he is entirely unclean for all eternity.

It is a reminder of the water that flowed out of Christ’s side, which is a symbol of Baptism, and brings to mind the day of the devil’s defeat (Christ’s crucifixion).

It is a common custom to carry around holy water bottles that can be used to sprinkle holy water upon oneself, or around a room (a board room, for example). By using it is this way, we keep ourselves always fixed on Christ and remind ourselves to remain pure. The holy water can also help ward off any influence of the Evil One.


Having a rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary with you is a perfect way to remind yourself of the need to pray. Rosaries can facilitate a prayerful spirit, allowing a person to meditate on the various mysteries of the life of Jesus Christ.

St. Padre Pio also referred to the Rosary as a “weapon,” saying, “Some people are so foolish that they think they can go through life without the help of the Blessed Mother. Love the Madonna and pray the Rosary, for her Rosary is the weapon against the evils of the world today. All graces given by God pass through the Blessed Mother.”

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Another very powerful sacramental is the crucifix. Not only does a crucifix remind us of the great love that God had for us, but it also is a strong deterrent to spiritual enemies. The crucifix is the bane of Satan’s existence and is the sign of everything that he despises.

It is beneficial to have a small crucifix in your briefcase or purse so that you can frequently meditate on Jesus’ great sacrifice of love as well as have an image to remind you what you need to focus on during times of temptation.



  1. Yay, the crucifix is amulet? So maybe you aren’t catholic… Crucifix haven’t got magical power it is only symbol for catholics that Jesus died for us and it is for remind us only! If you think that it is talisman so you don’t believe in God only in witchcraft…We…Catholics don’t worship items…only GOD!

  2. Blessed items are not witchcraft idiot!
    They are protection against the devil.
    And we worship Christ amd revere The Blessed Mother, Holy Spirit, and Saints!


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