Top Secrets Most Catholics Don’t Know About the Catholic Church (But Should!)


3. The Bible Is A Catholic Book

Did you ever wonder how the Bible came into being? A little known, but easily documented fact is that the books of the Bible were compiled by the Catholic Church. For many years after Christ ascended into Heaven, there was debate about which scriptural writings were inspired by God. The canon of Scripture (the books of the Bible) was first formally decided at the Synod of Rome in 382.

This decision was upheld at the Councils of Hippo (393) and Carthage (397). At these Catholic Church councils, the same 46 Old Testament and 27 New Testament books that appear in today’s Catholic Bibles were declared to be inspired by God. As a side note, approximately 1200 years after this decision was made, Martin Luther and the Protestant reformers removed 7 books from the Old Testament. As a result, most Protestant Bibles are still missing these 7 books.

4. The Mass Is The Same Sacrifice As Calvary

The biggest mistake that many Catholics make is treating the Holy Mass as “just another church service”, similar to those held by other religions. In the Mass, Christ’s Sacrifice on the Cross is made present, its memory is celebrated and its saving power is applied. The Council of Trent teaches that Christ left a visible sacrifice to His Church “in which that bloody sacrifice which was once offered on the Cross should be made present, its memory preserved to the end of the world, and its salvation-bringing power applied to the forgiveness of the sins which are daily committed by us.” When we attend Mass, we are mystically transported to Calvary, where we can unite ourselves with the Lord’s Sacrifice to the Father!



  1. my wife divorced me after 26 years of mariage
    because i was out of work for 6 Months
    I bought and paid for the house and put it on her name
    She sold everything because her sisters and mother said she must i am on the street

  2. John
    I believe you can receive communion. If you have a new partner then you can not. There is a bit more to it. Talk to your parish priest.

  3. I always believe That Holy Roman Catholic is the religion Of Salvation in the belief of The Holy Trinity of God the Father,the Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.So my question is what happened to the noncatholic during judgement day.Will noncatholic go to heaven.No wonder God the Father is not happy.When i start my devotion to prayers i always include praying harder to those coming back to God to make God happy.I will pray that all mankind will have the same faith to make it simple.When i listened to youtube channels were there are young pastors who dont believe in The existence of Jesus and these multiple ministries are being paid money to exist.Do you think God is happy about this. I wonder what these young pastors are teaching in their churches.And what about their gross earnings at the end of month.Are they donating half to charities to make God happy?There should be only one Faith to God so it will be less complicated.I will harder for this.

  4. John, not true at all. You can take Holy Communion – just not if you remarry. Why would you go to another congregations? I’m assuming protestant? They don’t have Communion anyway.

  5. I’ve been married, divorced and remarried. I would not be able to participate in Holy Communion in the Catholic Church because of that?


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