7 Powerful Steps to Fix Feeling Bored at Mass


Many young people sincerely want to participate in the Mass more meaningfully, but find it difficult to focus and concentrate.

One of the most common refrains I hear from young people is “Mass is boring. Homilies are boring. I don’t know why I have to come Sunday after Sunday.” Some of the youth in the rear pews are distracted on their phones during Mass. When I asked them once what they were doing, one of them retorted with a straight face that he was Instagramming pictures of Mass and tweeting quotes from my homily! Cheeky little fellow (lol), but he got me there.

Many young people sincerely want to participate in the Mass more meaningfully — they understand that the Eucharist is rich and meaningful — but they find it difficult to focus and concentrate.

Here are 7 practical steps you could follow to make the Mass more meaningful for you: