EXTRAORDINARY MIRACLES: Our Lady Who Cries, Wafer That Bleeds, A Mantle That Changes Color…


Supposedly extraordinary cases were happening in Argentina

Argentina has recorded several cases apparently “extraordinary” over the past weeks in parishes across the country.

Blood Tears

The most recent occurred in the parish of Santa Teresita, in the city of Paraná, Entre Ríos province, on May 17. According to the AICA agency, a group prayed before the Blessed Sacrament when a few drops of tears appeared on the face of an image of Our Lady of Sorrows.

The authorities of the archbishopric began the investigation of the phenomenon which, according to a statement, ” is materially visible, visible “; However, the same communiqué continues, ” the fruit that comes to be will be the work of the Holy Spirit in each one. The Church, as mother, gives us her advice not to draw any of this interpretation “while the investigation is in progress. ” Whatever the outcome of this investigation, we must use this time to renew our faith and devotion to our Blessed Mother as the path that leads us to Jesus Christ, as well as to help us respond with caring fraternal charity to the tears of the heart of the brothers who suffer in body and soul . ”

In the same archdiocese, a few months ago, faithful and a priest of the parish of St. Dominic Savio said they saw tears in the eyes of an image of the Immaculate Conception in the chapel of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

The mantle that changes color

A few days earlier, during the celebrations for the centenary of the apparitions of Our Lady in Portugal, another case was registered in the parish of Our Lady of Fatima in Martínez, diocese of San Isidro, in Greater Buenos Aires: numerous faithful perceived an apparent change of color in the cloak of the Pilgrim Virgin, from white to sky blue and white – the colors of the Argentine flag. Photos of the case have been turned into social networks. Something similar had happened in the parish of Our Lady of Fatima of the neighborhood Juan de Vera, in Corrientes, during the month of November of 2013.

The bleeding host

At the beginning of April, in Rafaela, Santa Fe province, a consecrated host who was being worshiped in a recovery house presented a drop that looked like blood. The bishop was called, spoke to the people present at the time and reserved the host for investigation.

” The Church, in these cases and others similar, asks that events be judged with prudence and moderation in order to clarify and give certainty about the facts. Throughout history, the Church has received testimonies of the real and substantial presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist through this unique form of manifestation. They were neither ordinary nor simple to discern , “the diocese of Rafaela said in a statement.


The various official statements on possible extraordinary events speak of prudence. As the investigations proceed, the great question of those who believe in the supernatural origin of such events is this: Does God want to tell us something about it?

The communiqué of the archdiocese of Paraná, regarding the alleged tears of blood in the face of the image of Our Lady of Sorrows, replies: ” No more than you have already told us in your Son Jesus. Therefore, a first fruit of this fact is to return to listen to God where He awaits us: in His Word in the Church . ”



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Source: pt.aleteia.org