[URGENT WARNING] Don’t Attend Your Next Mass If You Haven’t Seen This


14 wonders of the power of Holy Mass

Read this before your next Mass.

1 – At the hour of death, your greatest consolation will be the Masses that you heard during your life.

2 – Every Mass you have heard will accompany you to the Divine Court and will advocate for you to obtain forgiveness.

3 – With each Mass you can lessen the temporal punishment that you have for your sins, in proportion to the Fervor with which you listen.

4 – With the devout participation of the Holy Mass you pay the greatest homage to the Most Holy Humanity of Our Lord. The well-attended Holy Mass supplies your greatest negligence and omission.

5 – For the Holy Mass well heard forgive all your venial sins that you are determined to avoid, and many others that you do not even remember. The demon also loses control over you.

6 – You offer even greater comfort to the blessed souls of Purgatory.

7 – A Mass heard while you live will bring you much more benefit than many offered for you after your death.



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