Do You Know the Most Important and Powerful Secrets Jesus Revealed to St. Faustina?


How to protect yourself from demon attacks

In Cracow-Pradnik, June 2, 1938, the Lord Jesus directed a young Polish Sister of Mercy on a three-day retreat. Faustina Kowalska painstakingly recorded Christ’s instruction in her diary that is a mystical manual on prayer and Divine Mercy.

Having read the Diary a few times in the past 20 years, I had forgotten about the unique retreat that Christ gave on the subject of spiritual warfare. Then, recently, I was invited to lead a retreat in Trinidad based on Christ’s “Conference on Spiritual Warfare” as presented in the Diary. The Sanctuary of the Holy Family, an amazing group of lay leaders in service to the Archbishop and priests, sponsored the retreat in the Archdiocese of Trinidad and we filled the Seminary of St. John Vianney to ponder this teaching.

Here are the secret whispers of Jesus to his little bride Faustina on how to protect herself from the attacks of the devil.

These instructions became Faustina’s weapon in fighting the good fight.

Jesus began, “My daughter, I want to teach you about spiritual warfare” (1760). (The Lord’s words are in bold text; my comments follow.)

  1. Never trust in yourself but abandon yourself totally to My will.

Trust is a spiritual weapon. Trust is part of the shield of faith that St. Paul mentions in chapter six of Ephesians: the armor of God. Abandonment to God’s will is an act of trust; faith in action dispels evil spirits.


  1. In desolation, darkness and various doubts, have recourse to Me and to your spiritual director. He will always answer you in my name.

In times of spiritual warfare, immediately pray to Jesus. Invoke His Holy Name that is feared in the netherworld. Bring darkness into the light by telling a spiritual director or confessor and follow his instruction.


  1. Do not bargain with any temptation; lock yourself immediately in My Heart.

In the Garden of Eden, Eve bargained with the devil and lost. We have recourse to the refuge of the Sacred Heart. In running to Christ, we turn our backs on the demonic.


  1. At the first opportunity, reveal the temptation to the confessor.

A good confession, a good confessor, and a good penitent are a recipe for victory over temptation and demonic oppression—without fail.


  1. Put your self-love in the last place, so that it does not taint your deeds.

Self-love is natural but it should be ordered, free of pride. Humility defeats the devil that is perfect pride. Satan tempts us to disordered self-love to lead us into his pool of pride.



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