Here Are 5 Ways To Call On The Great Archangels In Times Of Need


Angels are our guardians and guides. They are divine spiritual beings of love and light that work with humanity to help us in this lifetime. Guardian angels are unique to each person; we each have our own team. For some people this may be one angel, for others, it may be many, and you can always ask for more if you feel the need. The Angels respect your free will and won’t directly interfere in your life unless asked, or if your life is in danger before your time.

When you ask for guidance, your angels will communicate through your intuitive feelings and a variety of other ways. When you are uncertain about a decision, you can always ask them for a sign to confirm your feelings. Signs from the angels help us feel a direct connection, enhancing our intuition and giving us the confidence to move forward.

Aside from Guardian Angels, there are also Archangels who help humanity. The Archangels are a higher elevation of energy then our Guardian Angels (arch means above) and there are hundreds of them; each working with a particular purpose to provide guidance and help for us. The Archangels also respect our free will and will not interfere in our lives directly unless we ask, but they definitely give us nudges for our highest good and in the direction of our purpose.

Guardian Angels and Archangels work with our spirit guides to form what I like to call our “Celestial Guidance Team”. Together, this team can give each of us protection, healing, guidance, inspiration, opportunities, support, comfort and just about whatever else we may need. When asked, they conspire on our behalf for our highest good.

While there is no formal training or technique needed to ask your angels for help, there are some specific ways you can inquire that immediately align you with a manifesting mindset and focus; stating clearly WHAT you want help with, and leaving the door open for HOW it will come to you.

When you ask for help in this manner, you leave room for endless possibilities and avoid limiting language; allowing the angels to work their brand of magic to bring you what you need to create your intentions.

Here are 5 ways to call on your Angels for help (and which ones to ask):




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