Bible Predictions for 2018 That Every Catholic Must Know


A much more reliable prediction source than astrology

At the beginning of every new year, the same thing always happens: on television, in the newspapers, on the radio, we are literally inundated by the predictions of astrologers and diviners.

But since the only true prophecy is contained in the Bible , we have decided to present to you Bible  predictions  for this new year.

If you were born between January 1 and December 31, then you are under the influence of “the grace of God who is the salvation of all men” (Titus 2:11).

Fortune : The morning star is Jesus Christ, because “thanks to the merciful goodness of our God … we will be visited by the sun that rises from on high” (Luke 1:78).

Love : His happiness lies in being loved by God and loving him in return, for “neither the present, nor the future, nor powers, nor heights, nor depths, nor any other creature can separate us from the love that God is our witness in Christ Jesus our Lord “(Romans 8:39).

Holidays : “The Lord shall keep thy steps, now and for ever” (Psalm 120: 8).

Health : “Here is an absolutely certain truth: If we die with him, we shall live with him” (2 Timothy 2:11); “Do not worry about anything! In all circumstances present your concerns to God through prayer, supplications, and thanksgiving “(Philippians 4: 6).

Money: “My God will magnify all your needs according to his glory in Jesus Christ” (Philippians 4:19); “I have learned to be content with what I have” (Philippians 4:11).

Up-to-date: “You will hear of wars and rumors of war. Please note: this does not disturb you, because this must happen. But the end will not be yet “(Matthew 24: 6); “This Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world to bear witness to all nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14).

Unforeseen: “For we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them that are chosen according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28); “What shall we say after that? If God be for us, who can be against us? “(Romans 8:31).

These teachings are not tied to any lunar influence. You can make them yours always, in any place or situation.

Live with the peace and joy of the Lord!

(Fr. Antonio Feghali)



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