When Falling Asleep, Pray this Prayer for Peaceful Sleep During the Night


It’s a prayer that can be difficult to say, but can set your heart at ease.

Often when we try to fall asleep, we will remain restless and anxious, thinking about all the many responsibilities we have. It can make going to bed very difficult, reducing the amount of time our body has to recuperate each night.

One prayer that can help you place your trust in God is the prayer of Jesus Christ on the cross.

Many have prayed over the centuries Jesus’ prayer, “Lord, into your hands I commend my spirit,” before going to bed.

It’s a powerful prayer, one that can be difficult to pray. The reason it can be difficult is because it’s the prayer Jesus said before dying on the cross. By saying this prayer, you are performing a complete act of resignation, giving to God your entire self, all your worries, anxieties, but also, your soul.

At the same time, when prayed in faith, this prayer can usher in feelings of peace and serenity. It recalls the reality that God is in control, not us. We can not change our circumstances, except through the grace of God. This can help relieve the burdens of your life, realizing that you are not alone. In fact, God is right there by your side.

St. John XXIII had a similar prayer that he prayed every night. As pope, he had much on his mind and was responsible for the entire Church. Think about the weight of that responsibility!

Instead of worrying all night long, he said simply to God, “It’s your Church, God. I’m going to bed!”

We should have the same attitude and place our lives in God’s hands, saying with Jesus, “Lord, into your hands I commend my spirit.