Prayers God Answers: Ask for Joy and Abundance in your Life


Prayer and Happiness belong together. No one can be happy if they don’t have peace of mind. The child of God who trusts his heavenly Father will have the promise of Christ; “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.” John 14:27.

Through prayer one communes with God and is at home with the universe. He is at peace with nature because he knows nature is God. He is at peace with others, even though they may be at war with him. He has the peace of Christ in his heart.

Jesus Christ was always happy, Jesus was never worried. Jesus gave us an example of prayer to God. He prayed at His baptism; He prayed all night before ordaining the apostles; He prayed on the mountainside after refusing to be made king; He prayed before telling His disciples of His coming crucifixion; He prayed before His Transfiguration; He prayed before healing the sick; He prayed before raising Lazarus from the dead; He prayed on His way to Gethsemane and in Gethsemane; He prayed for His murderers, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Luke 23:34. His last words on the cross were a prayer. Jesus Himself told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. Luke18:1.

Prayer is taught from Genesis to Revelation. God desires that we should pray to Him. Every sincere prayer is acceptable to God. Wherever a soul reaches out after God, there the Spirit’s working is manifest, and God will reveal Himself and Answer to that soul.

“Prayer is the key in the hand of faith that unlocks heaven’s storehouse, where are treasured the boundless resources of Omnipotence.” – Steps to Christ, p.99. Friend, use the key. Include praying as a daily habit. Search the Scriptures for examples of prayer. Study them carefully and follow those examples. You, too can commune with God anywhere, anytime; and soon you will be led into deep things of His Word.

Remember, God always speaks to you directly in the same way that He speaks in the Holy Scriptures. Never does He contradict Himself. So commune with Him in reading the Holy Bible and in personal, private prayer and meditation.



Please help me to rest in your happiness,
To allow a smile to linger on my lips,
To dwell within a wonderful memory,
To walk back through sunlit places.

Please help me to awake with hope,
To engage with life in all its variety,
To take in the beauty of others joys,
To touch the souls of those I meet with thankfulness.

Please help me to sing with faith,
To carry the truth close in my heart always,
To rejoice at new life and 
To have peace as I age.

Please help me to indulge in love
To breathe in the sweetness of intimacy,
To taste the kindness of friendship,
To feel the warmth of embrace.

Please help me not to miss 
A single drop of heaven,
To catch each moment 
And drink in the great joy of life.


Prayer for happiness and joy

Dear Lord,

Thank you for all your blessings,
For my family, friends and neighbours.
Thank you for all the beauty 
In the skies, the lakes and the mountains.
Thank you for all the excitement of celebration,
Birthdays, weddings and christenings.
Thank you for all the variety of animals, birds and insects.
Thank you for all the enrichment of music, art and literature.
Thank you for the amazing jigsaw of life!
What a beautiful picture is made when I place all these pieces together!
Thank you for the promise of eternity,
For the sacrifices you made so that I can be free,
Free to make my life into a glorious patchwork of thanksgiving
That carries me onwards to the promises of new heavenly pieces to add to all that I already hold.

Thank you.


VIDEO : A Powerful Prayer to Jesus for Success and Prosperity