Prayer to Saint Benedict to ward off Evil and Seek Protection from Danger


The Catholic Church encourages the use of sacramentals, such as the medal of St. Benedict, the scapular of Our Lady of Carmel, holy water, the crucifix and other properly blessed religious objects.

The tradition of blessing our meals or our children, among others, is also considered a sacramental.

“[The sacramentals] come from the baptismal priesthood: all the baptized are called to be a” blessing “and to bless. Therefore, there are certain blessings that can be presided over by lay people. However, the more a blessing concerns the ecclesial and sacramental life, the more his presidency will be reserved to the ordained ministry (bishops, priests or deacons) “(CCC 1669).

Still according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the sacramentals are instituted by the Church:

“These are sacred signs by which, by imitating the sacraments in some way, the effects of the Church’s prayer are signified, and especially spiritual effects. Through them men are disposed to receive the principal effect of the sacraments and the various circumstances of life are sanctified “(CCC 1667).

In our home we have some sacramentals, like the cross of St. Benedict hanging on the main wall. I also have the medal of Saint Benedict, which I placed in the office, and the holy water on our small altar, which we always use.

Sacramentals are used by priests during exorcisms. But its use can also have a greater range when used by lay people.

Even if we laymen can not (and should not) try to do exorcisms, we can make the prayers of deliverance.

We have a duty to promote the use of sacramentals and prayers of deliverance from evil in every home. Even more so in these times in which we are living, in which, more and more, the attacks on the family and marriage increase.

Every time we pray fervently the prayer of St. Michael the Archangel to ask for spiritual protection we are doing just that: promoting the use of prayers of deliverance.

Here is the prayer to St. Benedict, which you should use to ask for spiritual protection and to ward off the influence of evil.

Prayer to Saint Benedict for protection against danger

Oh, glorious Saint Benedict, sublime model of all virtues, pure deposit of the grace of God! Here I am, humbly prostrate before you. I implore your heart full of love, that you may intercede for me before the throne of God.

I turn to you in all the dangers that surround me. Protect me from my enemies, from evil enemy in all its forms, and inspire me to imitate you in all things.

May your blessing be with me always, so that I may escape everything that is not pleasing to God and thus avoid the opportunities of sin.

I beseech you tenderly to obtain from God the favors and graces that I so much need in the trials, miseries and afflictions of life.

Your heart has always been so full of love, compassion and mercy to the afflicted or to those with problems of any kind.

You have never dismissed yourself without consolation or help to anyone who has come to you. Therefore, I invoke your powerful intercession, in the hope that you will hear my prayers and grant me special grace in favor of what I so earnestly ask you to do, if it is for the glory of God and for the good of my soul.

Help me, O great Saint Benedict, to live and die as a faithful son of God. May I always be submissive to His holy will in order to attain the eternal happiness of heaven.


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Article originally published by , translated and adapted to Portuguese by Aleteia.