20 Real-Life Miracles Experienced By Real People


God truly does work in miraculous ways! He is always there to bless us with amazing things, even when we least expect it. As believers, we can rest assured knowing that God works for the good of those who love him, so there is no need to worry or be anxious about our lives. Here are some miracles that were shared with us by our loyal Fans on Facebook:

Ashley Spicknell Joppic: I had just gotten a job and I lost my car due to unemployment a few months previously. I ended up being let go from my job a few weeks after my car was repossessed. I was blessed with the good news that I was accepted for a position that I had applied for today! I kept praying about it and the good Lord has blessed me! Not only am I able to work, I also learned to trust The Lord and to always pray


Diana Cardenas: My almighty Jesus saved me after I was diagnosed never to walk again! By Faith, my Lord lifted me from a wheelchair. Amen, praise to him always, and I have more miracles and this was the one of many! Thank you, my Jesus!



Bets Barrett: Oh my Goodness! He is so awesome!! I Had both breasts removed due to aggressive Cancer. At the same time, I am an insulin junkie. Sugar levels way out of control due to Chemo running from 16 – 29 for the past 8 years! Those who know something about Diabetes will know that my system stopped functioning many years ago. Here I am picture perfect. At all these high levels I function as totally normal! Doctors just can’t believe it! Well, needless to say, I know why. He Carries me through with everything! I am so very, very Blessed. He is never late, always on time. I worship and adore Him, amen!


Becky Sauseda Norman: Jesus saved my 13-year-old son from cancer!! My son was diagnosed with stage 4 alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma, a rare children’s cancer, it could not be surgically removed due to it being too close to the brain. But he went through an intense 10 months of chemo and radiation, and we prayed, prayed and never gave our faith up!! I know The Lord saved my son from that monster!! Our God is an awesome God!!!


Cindy Paxson: I broke my back in 2006! Doctors have done all they can do to stem the intense pain I have at times in my lower spine. At my small country Methodist Church, we are known for our many answered Prayers and healings!! On a Sunday morning last spring I was having a particularly bad day, could barely walk. My son told me to stay home, but I told him I really felt I needed to be there! I suffered through the service, barely made it to the altar to be anointed and hands laid on me! I returned to my seat and realized the pain was gone!! I stood and shouted out to my Church family that I had no pain!! Praise God!! The pain returns now and again but I know my Father is with me and I know I will be ok!! Praise GOD, my Pastor, and My Church!!


Suddenly Shanna: He healed My daughter from a rare strain Of flu that was killing children her age. But when I called out to Jesus he heard my call and saved her life. Thank you, Jesus. She is now an adult and is forever thankful to him!


Kenny Threadgill: I was without a job for 3 months. I prayed about and called a place to see if they were hiring went in filled out an application and got interviewed same day 4 days later started work. God is good, Amen!



Angie M Lemus: He cured me of a pituitary tumor in my head!


Christian Paul Manaois: I am a Cancer and Dengue survivor, both stage 4! This is my 3rd life, God is really good all the time!


Rashad Williams: He blessed my beautiful sister and now niece who is about four weeks today. How? When she was born, the umbilical cord was tied around her neck and in a knot! And today and then she is very healthy being spoiled and eating well, I thank Him because so many things could’ve gone wrong in that situation, I pray he continues to bless me and my Family. Thank you, Lord!


Lehlohonolo Serekego: My family comes from a poor background, with no place to stay, other extended family hated my family. But God’s grace put us where we are today. From living in a garage and a shack and now my grandma owns a house and my mother owns 2 houses. For me, it may sometimes look easy but with God everything is possible. We just put our trust in The Almighty. We are blessed and continue to be blessed. Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and shall receive all the desires of your heart. Thank you, Lord!


Sherri Shea: My husband was diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer in July 2007. The surgeon told us he was not a candidate for surgery as the tumor was obtained with the main veins. So he started chemo FU5 and radiation for five and a half weeks, in November he got very sick, we didn’t think he would make it. We all prayed and had lots of prayers from others through this whole time. His first CT scan showed it shrinking. By the 3rd CT Scan, it was down to the size of a quarter, it started the size of a softball. The surgeon was ready to go, But my husband decided to wait because everything had been going so well with prayer. Back for a CT Scan 5 years later, the tumor is gone completely!!! That is the power of prayer!! Thank you God for letting me keep him here on earth. God is Awesome!


Niki Frankland: He removed a stigma in my eye and healed me of migraines this year. Both have never returned since! God is awesome! He also saved me from myself and is doing a continued work in progress in my life! I’m blessed because of Him and His faithfulness in my life! He is everything to me!


Sue Browning: Yes Jesus healed me from a malignant melanoma. Praise the Lord!


Pinkie Hoskins: My son was in the hospital with asthma and they were having trouble to get him breathing, I was praying harder than ever that he would pull through. Two hours later doctors gave him an allergy shot and they allowed us in to see him and he was breathing just fine! Ain’t God good? All of the time! Amen!


Ron Ball Foy: He brought me out of homelessness twice! I now have a safe warm place to live! Amen!


Joe Lopez: God brought me back from a comma, before they unplugged oxygen machine. I am truly blessed.


Carmyn Maria Manibusan Amaya: He healed my grandbaby, Zoey, so she would not need open heart surgery at birth. Then when she did have open heart surgery at 4 months old, He blessed her with a speedy recovery and she went home only 5 days later, rather than the expected 5 weeks. She has healthy heart function now and is the happiest little girl. Thank you, Jesus! God is real. God heals. Prayers work.


Nancy MelJoe Naucukidi: My Dad had a serious heart attack resulting the doctors telling us that he won’t make it, we were so devastated but trials always happen to test our faith. We prayed for our dad every day and God heard our prayers, he saw every tear that dropped and every heart that ached he healed my dad that very same week he was admitted and even the doctors and nurses were surprised saying it is a miracle he survived. I give back the glory and honor to God.


Samedy Houv: I have a liver problem. I kept calm for healing from Jesus! I believe I am completely healed in the name of Jesus! Amen.

Praise God for all of these miracles! God works in such mysterious ways and it always leaves us more in awe of him! Please join us and pray that God would continue working in the lives of those who shared!

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