How To Communicate With Your Guardian Angels As A Catholic


Who teaches is the Angel of Peace who appeared in Fatima to the three shepherd children.

In describing the first appearance of the Angel, which occurred in the spring of 1916, Sister Lucy describes it in her memoirs as “a light whiter than snow, in the form of a young, transparent, brighter than a pierced crystal by the rays of the sun. ”

This description coincides with that in Sacred Scripture: “There was a great earthquake because an angel of the Lord, descending from heaven, removed the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like lightning and his dress as white as snow “(Mt 28: 2-4). The book of Revelation also describes an angel whose “face was as the sun” (Rev. 10: 1).

Sister Lucy, who at the time of the apparition was 9, continues to narrate the moment when the Angel began to speak . His words were, “Do not be afraid! I am the Angel of Peace. Pray with me: My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love you. I ask you to forgive those who do not believe, do not adore, do not expect and do not love you “.

That is, the Angel of Fatima not only lets himself be seen, but also communicates with the pastor inhos, which is already a great teaching: the angels want to form a community of salvation with men, and for this they can take a body and talk to us.

It is notorious and it must be emphasized that the Angel speaks to the children without having done or practiced special techniques, as the New Age teaches in a false and misleading way. It is also false devotion to the angels that communication with these our friends is based on rituals restricted to the supposedly initiated.

The Angel of Peace gives us a lesson: angels communicate with us and talk to men, and to establish this dialogue and talk with it, it is not necessary to do any special course or use any specific technique. To listen to the angel it is necessary to tune the spiritual ear, the conscience, to become a child again.

Therefore, those who say they can not listen to their angel should make an examination of conscience.

And the Angel teaches the children to pray. A prayer in which we turn to God, telling him that we love him, that we believe in him and that we adore him.

The words of the angels suggest to us precisely words full of love, reverence, holy sentiments, merciful and edifying attitudes and behavior.

A lesson of 1916 that the Angel gives us and which applies perfectly to the present day, in which all kinds of false courses are said to teach to listen to the angels when, in fact, they transmit no feeling of charity, but, yes , selfish messages of self-redemption and self-fulfillment that are far from what the Angel of Peace preached.

And if we hear the voice of this great friend that each of us has at our side, we will hear that the Angel wants us to honor God, that we rejoice to God and that we serve God.

This is evident from the first appearance. The Angel does not dwell in superfluous conversations or that distract him from his mission; arrives teaching: “My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love you”. He takes the shepherds to worship.

The Angel not only wants, but teaches, pushes us and warns us to learn. At Fatima, the Angel teaches the little children to lie on the ground, bringing the forehead to the ground – and the children follow the same attitude. The Angel does not only have a passive role, but his task is to commit to each one of us so that we learn to fix our looks on God.

From what has been narrated, it is understood that holy angels are not to be seen as “mere angels,” but powerful, enlightened, radiant, with abilities greater than ours. How much reverence should we then venerate and relate to these good friends?

The Angel comes to fulfill a mission: to teach and prepare the children for the apparition of Our Lady. The angel is a servant of God, not our servant. He comes to accomplish a task within the saving economy. And here is something beautiful and amazing: the guardian angels, as the Angel at Fatima did, teach us, are like “private teachers” so that we can receive the plan that God reveals to us and, just like the little shepherds imitated the angel in his movements and words, we also must imitate them, for they are teachers, teachers sent by God to teach us.

In this sense, we ask ourselves: how does an angel pray? And let us imitate him, as did the children at Fatima. Great lessons that the angels give us. We will continue talking about this theme to deepen and prepare our souls in this Jubilee year of Fatima.

WATCH THIS: Your Guardian Angel Has Good News for You When You See These Signs



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