Boy Falls From The 9th Floor And Wakes Up From The Coma When His Mother Sang To The Virgin Mary


Neither the doctors could explain the boy’s rapid recovery

Doctors at the Hospital Infantil de San Miguel in Argentina found no explanation for the rapid recovery of 3-year-old Martín Chaín who fell off the ninth floor while playing on his apartment porch.

The June 7 crash left the child on the brink of death, but it took only 20 days to recover and does not have long-term sequelae, something that the hospital staff “could have been a miracle.”

“I was working when Máximo, my husband, sent me a voice message. He was screaming. He said that Martín had fallen from the porch, “said the boy’s mother, Florencia Nuñez, the newspaper ‘Clarín’.

On the day of the accident, Martin’s father was cooking while the little boy went to the porch and, jokingly, climbed on the railing. Then, the smaller one fell of almost 30 meters of height in a patio of the building, without nothing dampening the fall.

“When Maxi looked down, he saw Piti (Martín) face down, lying in an area of wetland with debris. And he saw when he moved, “Nunez explained.

The father went down immediately to rescue Martín and took him to the Children’s Hospital of Tucumán, where he was attended to in the emergency room. The doctors were surprised to see the small conscious, crying, but without any fracture.

Despite this, he remained in serious condition, as the boy suffered trauma to the abdomen and skull, in addition to a lung injury that caused respiratory problems.

For a few weeks, he remained in an induced coma, connected to an artificial respirator and feeding tube.

Florencia recalled that, due to the serious condition of his son, “we did not stop praying and Piti gradually began to improve. One day while singing a song of the Virgin Mary, he finally woke up. ”

From that moment, Martín began to recover. First, he went to the intermediate therapy, then took off his artificial respirator and finally was discharged.

“It presents only a few walking problems, but it is not permanent. With physical therapy, you can fully recover. You should continue with a psychologist and physical examinations for some time, but we do not expect you to have any major problems in the long run. It’s incredible, “said the director of the hospital, Cristina García Praise the ‘Clarín’.

Despite being a “woman of science,” Garcia pointed out that she had never heard of “a case like this. It is unusual for a person to fall from this height and be left with so few sequels. ”

“There are times when we professionals have no choice but to put ourselves in the hands of God. I am Catholic and I believe that miracles exist. Something happened here, “he said.

