10 Reasons we know Christ Rose from the Dead


10: The rise of a historical religion.

Christianity spread and grew despite persecution not because of the power of the Apostles’ personalities or the perks of the faith — the Apostles were weak and there were penalties, not perks — but because of the Resurrection experience of the early Christians.

The historical fact of the Resurrection of Christ, in his glorified body, is the building block for every dimension of the Catholic faith.

A few:

  • How can we each meet Jesus, even though we weren’t alive when he walked the streets of Palestine? Because he rose from the dead and lives today.
  • How are we able to have our sins forgiven in confession? Because after the Resurrection he breathed on the Apostles and gave them the power to forgive sins.
  • Why do we hope in heaven? Because Jesus rose and went there for us.

At Easter we don’t celebrate a myth or a great psychological symbol. We celebrate the historical event that is the foundation of all of our hope and joy and happiness.

He is truly risen. Our faith is not in vain.