7 Lessons Learned From Devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows


6. Jesus’ body being taken down from the cross.

Mary is there throughout the life of her Son. She bore Him into this world. And she is there at His death. She is seen on the road to Calvary and meets the eyes of her Son there, bearing His sufferings, too. She is there at the foot of the cross. Those who attend someone’s deathbed are usually those who are the closest to the dying, for it is an intimate and difficult experience. At the crucifixion most of the disciples fled, with the exception of John. Mary was there to see it through. That is why we can count on Mary to be there for our sufferings and sorrows and to never abandon us. Perhaps we feel that, like many of the disciples, we have abandoned God. Yet He will never abandon us. And Mary is there always to bring us back.