If you keep on finding coins, it is a sign for your angel and a symbol of support. So, if you find coins, you should know that you’re loved, supported and guided.
when i’m reading the messages, passages from your page, i always feel the love and embrace of God and the Angels guiding me. and. i’m sure that my husband passed away last. aug. 6 now is in the house of God. Thank you for the inspiring words. God bless you.
when i’m reading the messages, passages from your page, i always feel the love and embrace of God and the Angels guiding me. and. i’m sure that my husband passed away last. aug. 6 now is in the house of God. Thank you for the inspiring words. God bless you.
I keep seeing these same numbers at least 15 times in 4 consecutive weeks 11:11. I’m wondering what it means ?