Should the Holy Eucharist be Chewed or Allowed to Dissolve in the Mouth? Find Out Here


The host may be chewed or simply permitted to dissolve in one’s mouth.

Before the advent of modern hosts, the host would have been more bread-like and for centuries Christians would have had to chew the Eucharist. In the past few centuries, the modern host has evolved and Christians who are uneasy with the idea of chewing the Real Presence can opt to simply let the host dissolve in their mouths.

There is no directive from the Church on this matter. Either way is an acceptable manner of receiving the Eucharist.

READ ON TO LEARN  How NOT to receive Jesus in the Eucharist

I am sure you have prepared yourself to receive Jesus in the Eucharist tomorrow. But I do not think of receiving him tomorrow ONLY is enough, it is STAYING with him.

Whenever you go for confession bearing in mind you JUST WANT TO RECEIVE COMMUNION FOR A WHILE, you “Cheat” on God whom you should love. You simply “rob” him and run; you approach him with the plans of hurting him later on. This is NOT CONTRITION, this is DEATH!

Going to Jesus because we want to ALWAYS BE WITH HIM is the one and ONLY way to receive him worthily. You cannot plan to sin against the Lord whom you claim in your prayers (Act of love) to love “Above all” and “Never to sin again” and still nurture the plans of hurting him even while kneeling to receive Penance or the Eucharist. This is fraud and a big sin on our part.



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8 Powerful Hidden Symbolism of Our Lady of Guadalupe’s Image


Jesus wants those who are sincere “Father, I have sinned” and they mean “Father, I have sinned against you, I am sorry, I DO NOT WANT TO SIN AGAINST YOU ANYMORE” and not “Father, I have sinned, forgive me today, I want to sin tomorrow, I hope your mercy will remain for me then”.

No matter how many times the priest says “I Absolve you”, you have not been forgiven, instead you may be guilty of even greater sin, that of “Lying to the Holy Spirit” and deserving of “death”  which is portrayed in St Peter’s encounter with Ananias, and his wife Sapphira. (not physical death, but committing a sin against the Holy Spirit)
You cannot Sin, come to Jesus’ pool of mercy, (which he suffered and died to give us) and still lie to him, trying to trick him. Oh, what else do we want Jesus to do that he has not done?

Prepare your self, but NEVER APPROACH Jesus in the Sacraments if you are not sincere. If you are suffering from a sinful habit, COME! Jesus will heal you, but never lie or try to trick him by planning sins ahead or living with instruments of sin or sinful companions.

If you go for confession today and sin tomorrow, go back to the confessional, keep struggling against sin, Jesus will always help you, forgiving and helping you up every time, but NEVER LIE about it, admit your guilt, repent sincerely, and Jesus will make you new!


Lord, from time to time you stretch out a hand of friendship, of forgiveness, or love, of peace: help me that i may respond properly; reciprocating your love in my daily life, and through your mercy, merit to dwell with you eternally in heaven, where i shall see you as you truly are, unveiled and burning with love for me. Amen.



Which Bible Should I Use? A List of Approved Catholic Translations

AMAZING PICTURES : The Oldest Cathedral in the World is in Armenia… Check it Out

VIDEO: ‘Homeless Jesus’ Statue Installed in Another Major City in the World….Find Out Where

What’s to be Seen by Looking Into Our Lady of Guadalupe’s Eyes?

8 Powerful Hidden Symbolism of Our Lady of Guadalupe’s Image

