Improve Your Prayer Life With These 15 Tips from the Virgin Mary


13. Spend time in the prayer of the Mass

As you strive to continue to work on your prayer life, don’t forget about the ultimate Catholic prayer – the Mass. Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque once wrote in a letter: “Are you making no progress in prayer? Then you need only offer God the prayers which the Savior has poured out for us in the sacrament of the altar. Offer God His fervent love in reparation for your sluggishness.”

14. Don’t go into prayer without a spiritual book

If you’re struggling with inspiration for prayer, try bringing a spiritual book into your time with God. Saint Vincent de Paul wrote: “Read some chapter of a devout book….It is very easy and most necessary, for just as you speak to God when at prayer, God speaks to you when you read.”

15. Remember there is no perfect way to pray

As much as we’d like to say after all of our research that we found the perfect answer on how to pray, there isn’t one. Lectio Divina might be easy for someone, while contemplative prayer may be another person’s go-to when it comes time for conversation with God. The most important thing? Keep at it.



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