Jesus Reveals 25 Powerful Secrets Catholics Can Use To Overcome The Devil


6.- Have great patience with yourself
Patience is a secret weapon that helps us maintain the peace of our soul, even in the great storms of life. Patience with oneself is part of humility and trust.

The devil tempts us to impatience, to turn against ourselves so that we get angry. Look at yourself in God’s sight. He is infinitely patient.

7.- Do not neglect the inner mortifications.
The Scripture teaches that some demons can only be expelled with prayer and fasting.

Internal mortifications are weapons of war. They can be small sacrifices offered with great love. The power of sacrifice for love dislodges the enemy.

8.- Always justify to yourself the opinions of your superiors and your confessor.
Christ speaks to Saint Faustina who lives in a convent. But we all have people with authority over us.

The devil aims to divide and conquer, so that humble obedience to authentic authority is a spiritual weapon.

9. Reject the murmurings like a plague.
The tongue is a powerful vessel that can do a lot of damage. To be murmuring or gossiping, is never from God.

The devil is a liar who raises false accusations and gossip that can kill a person’s reputation. Reject the murmurings.

10.- Let everyone act as they want; but you have to act, as I want you to do.
The mind of oneself is the key in spiritual warfare. The devil is a meddler who tries to drag the whole world.

Pleased to God and let the opinions of others go down the road.



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