Jesus Reveals 25 Powerful Secrets Catholics Can Use To Overcome The Devil


11.- Observe the rule as faithfully as possible.
Jesus refers to the rule of a Religious Order here. Most of us have made a vow before God and the Church and we must be faithful to our promises, that is, marriage vows and baptismal promises.

Satan tempts infidelity, anarchy and disobedience. Fidelity is a weapon for victory.

12.- If someone causes you problems, think about the good you can do to the person who made you suffer.
To be a vessel of divine mercy is a weapon for good and to defeat evil.

The devil works on hatred, anger, revenge and unforgiveness. Others have hurt us at some point. What will we return in exchange? Return a blessing breaks curses.

13.- Do not spill your feelings.
A talkative soul will be more easily attacked by the devil. Pour out your feelings only before the Lord.

Remember, good and bad spirits listen to what you say out loud. The feelings are ephemeral. The truth is the compass. The inner recollection is a spiritual armor.

14.- Be silent when you are reprimanded.
Most of us have been reprimanded at some time. We have no control over that, but we can control our response.

The need to be right all the time can lead us to demonic traps. God knows the truth. Let her go. Silence is a protection. The devil can use self-righteousness to make us stumble too.

15.- Do not ask everyone’s opinion, but only your confessor; Be as frank and simple as a child with him.
The simplicity of life can drive out demons.

Honesty is a weapon to defeat Satan, the liar. When we lie we put a foot on his ground and he will try to seduce us even more.



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