Jesus Reveals 25 Powerful Secrets Catholics Can Use To Overcome The Devil


21. Do not let yourself be guided by the feeling because it is not always under your control. All the merit lies in the will.
All the merit lies in the will, because love is an act of the will.

We are completely free in Christ. We have to make a choice, a decision for good or for bad. In what terrain do we live?

22.- It always depends on your superiors, even in the smallest things.
Christ is instructing a religious here. But, we all have the Lord as our Superior. Dependence on God is a weapon of spiritual warfare, because we can not win by our own means.

Proclaiming Christ’s victory over evil is part of discipleship. Christ came to defeat death and evil, proclaim it!

23.- Do not deceive yourself with perspectives of peace and consolation; On the contrary, prepare yourself for great battles.
Saint Faustina suffered physically and spiritually. She was prepared for great battles by the grace of God that sustained her.

Christ instructs us clearly in the Scriptures to be prepared for great battles, to put on the armor of God and to resist the devil (Eph 6,11). Be attentive and always discern.

24.- Know well that you are on a great stage where all the sky and the earth are watching.
We are all in a big stage where heaven and earth are watching. What message are we giving with our way of life? What kind of tonalities do we radiate: light, dark or gray? Does the way we live attract more light or more darkness?

If the devil does not succeed in taking us into the dark, he will try to keep us in the lukewarm category, which is not pleasing to God.

25.- Fight like a knight, so that I can reward you. Do not be excessively fearful, because you are not alone.
The words of the Lord to Saint Faustina can become our motto: Fight like a knight!

A Knight of Christ knows well the cause for which he fights, the nobility of his mission, the King he serves, and with the blessed certainty of victory, who fights to the end, even at the cost of his life.

If a young woman, without education, a simple Polish nun united to Christ, can fight like a Knight, every Christian can do the same. Trust is victorious.

Quotations from the Diary of St. Faustina are property of the Marians of the Immaculate Conception, Stockbridge, Massachusetts.



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