Jesus Visited This Priest Whiles Celebrating Mass And Did This To Him


Today Jesus scolded me while celebrating Mass

The priest who felt that he was doing badly. 

Like all the priests of the world, not a day goes by without searching for Father Sergio to talk and ask him what to do in different situations: “Notice that my mother-in-law is against me, I want to get away from her and stop talking, Do you recommend that I do it ?;

My grandfather left us an inheritance to all, but some do not deserve it, should I do justice? father I can not stand my husband, his insults, his abuse, I want to quit, do you think it is convenient ?; I feel that everything has gone wrong in my life, all my efforts have been in vain, I am tired, what do I do …?

In short, there are many questions how are you doing to me every day. I always try to listen with my heart and enlighten them with some words of hope, inviting them to do good, to ask God for strength to keep going and reminding them that it is better to suffer an injustice than to commit it.

But what I do the most is to pray for them , especially in the Eucharist, when I hold my Lord in my hands, I say to him: “I charge you to that person and also to that person, help them to make the best decisions for Your glory and benefit of their families … ”

But the other day an infinite number of problems came to me in a single afternoon and I felt that my advice was very poor. When I arrived at the Mass it was a sea of anguish , I kept thinking about how I would do it to guide them. And right after the consecration I stuttered several times, and I scolded myself: “You’re saying it wrong.”

And in that moment I reached to listen to my sweet Jesus: “That’s right, you’re saying it wrong, you can not help them, tell them to ask Me what I would do in their place” and I’ll show them the way “.

I had been wrong, not only in the stuttering but in the way I wanted to help. Jesus was right, who better than He to tell us what to do? So I set out for the next one not to worry so much and rather to encourage them to come to God and ask Him for advice.

That same night before leaving the chapel, a man appeared who wanted to talk to me. He told me that his father was very cruel to him all his life; he had practically grown up between insults and blows, and he never wanted to support him and his brothers to go to school, not to mention that his mother only knew how to give orders with shouts, so as soon as he could he walked away from him and he had more 30 years old who did not see it; but a week ago an aunt told him that they are dialyzing him, that he was very weak and that nobody in the family wanted to help him, and finally he asked me:

“Father, thank God I have a family, I am very happy, I know that my wife and my children will gladly receive my dad, but I think it is not fair that now I help him after all that he made me suffer, my mother and my brothers, is not I obliged to help him? ”

I gave him a hug: “Son, I regret everything you have suffered and I understand that it is not fair, I ask you to please me, I am going to open the chapel of the Blessed Sacrament and I want you to ask Our Lord” what would you do he in your place ‘ ” .

After half an hour he came back and said to me in tears: “Father, I will receive it, thanks to my father I have my life, I will receive him in my house and I will help him as much as I can …”.

I went to sleep very happy, I felt that day would rest like never before. God once again showed me that problems are fixed by Him, that I should only bring them closer to Him ; He also reminded me how easy our life would be if we only invited him.

Many things go wrong because we do not think about asking Jesus ‘what He would do in our place’. How much I would like to meet all those who are going through a hardship or need to make a decision to tell them: Do not be afraid, do not get so worn out, God loves you, is with you and will help you, just get on your knees before Him and ask ‘my Good Jesus, what would you do in my place? ‘

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