These Are the Last 7 Most Powerful Words Of Jesus Christ


3. A Word of Paternity

‘…He said unto his mother, Woman, behold thy son! Then saith He to the disciple, Behold thy mother!’ John 19:26,27

Whether it’s a dying soldier or a death-row inmate, the last words are almost always a call for mother. She holds a special place in her son’s heart.Yet as Jesus dies, His last words addressing His mother are divinely different.

In the crucible of His greatest pain and suffering, He shows deep paternal care for His mothers pain and suffering. Rather than cry out for relief from her, Jesus speaks gracious words of blessing and care to her.

As blood flows from His wounds, life flows from His words as He takes care of Mary His earthly Mom and John his beloved disciple. Pray today for the Lord to use your pain as a way to comfort and bless someone else in your life, and watch Him work!



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