Meet Rev. Sister Cecilia Maria, the Nun Who Died with a Smiling Face


Pictures of a young Argentinian nun – smiling and serene though dying from a devastating battle with cancer – have erupted on social media, with thousands sharing the images and heartfelt prayers.

Sister Cecilia Maria lived in Saints Teresa and Joseph Monastery in Santa Fe, Argentina, dedicated to prayer and the contemplative life.

She passed away early on June 22 at age 43.

After graduating as a nurse at 26 years of age, Sister Cecilia Maria made her first vows as a Discalced Carmelite. In 2003, she made her final profession. Six months ago, she was diagnosed with cancer of the tongue and the disease metastasized into her lungs.

In her time living at the monastery, she played the violin and was known for her sweetness and constant smile. In the final weeks of her illness, her condition worsened and she had to be hospitalized. From her bed, she never stopped praying and offering up her sufferings with the certainty that her encounter with God was near.

She wrote her last wish on a piece of paper: “I was thinking about how I would like my funeral to be. First, some intense prayer and then a great celebration for everyone. Don’t forget to pray but don’t forget to celebrate either!”

The Discalced Carmelites announced her death as follows: “Jesus! Just two lines to let you know that our dearly beloved sister gently fell asleep in the Lord, after such a painful illness, always borne with joy and her surrender to her Divine Spouse.

Sister Cecilia Maria
Sister Cecilia Maria

“We send you all our love, grateful for your support and prayer during this entire time, so painful yet so wonderful at the same time. We believe she flew directly to heaven, but we also ask you to not cease commanding her to your prayers, so from heaven, she may repay you. A big hug from her Sisters in Santa Fe.”



  1. She was a lost soul who followed and gave obedience to a church, following the religion of men and not the Creator and His commandments. She abided in the abomination of desolation by desecrating the true sabbath day and following in the traditions of vial men. What does the Bible say about following the command and doctrines and traditions of men?! Read it to find out!
    Furthermore, she is dead in the grave. She awaits for the second coming like everyone else. She was not part of the first fruits spoke about in the scriptures.
    She reata like Mary rests. You make up ideas to soothe your heart when you know well that the dead have no thoughts. They do not hear or see or even praise God.
    What appears righteous and good to you is evil and what appears evil to you is good. Those who have eyes can see and ears can hear.
    Repent and come out of this world of false religions. Obey the commandments and seek out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Lest Jesus say to you, “I do not know you: you who practice lawlessness!”

  2. Hello Sharon
    Wonder why you are so bitter about all this. I am proud Roman Catholic this is my identity. Who we are go critics She was happy and it was God’s will
    Let’s Live and let LIVE in peace and harmony.


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