“If You Do Not Cure Me Jesus, I Will Tell Your Mother” (A Beautiful Testimony)


Lourdes 1928.   This 10-year-old paralyzed child is told that his parents took him to Lourdes with the hope that he would be cured. His mother encourages him by telling him about the miracles that take place in Lourdes and the immense love that the Blessed Virgin Mary has for us and how she intercedes for us before her son Jesus.

In the afternoon they were going to bless the sick with the Blessed Sacrament that the priest carries. They arrive on time and place themselves in their place to receive it. The priest imparts the blessing to the sick child. And this one says to Jesus:

“If you do not cure me, I’ll tell your mother.”

The priest continues his path. When he returns, he stops again in front of this little boy and gives him the blessing again with the Blessed Sacrament. This time the child, out loud, exclaims:

“Jesus, if you do not cure me, I’ll tell your mother.”

Instantly he was healed.


Many years ago I read this beautiful story and even today when I need a special favour from our Lord for some person, I go to his mother first and tell him what I will ask of his son. Then I go to the oratory where Jesus is in the tabernacle. After accompanying him for a while and praying, I make my request.

I have never been disappointed.

Mary is a kind mother, like all mothers, but she, full of grace, gives us blessings from her son Jesus.

I remember as a child that when I needed something from my dad, I went to my mom. She told him at night and the next day she got what she expected. With Maria, it’s the same. Your son will not deny you anything.

It’s like at the wedding in Cana where they both attended. I love this story because of the incredible outcome. Despite what her son tells her, she intercedes and in what way!

Do not you think he will do the same for you?

“Three days later a wedding was celebrated in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. Jesus was also invited to the wedding with his disciples. It happened that the wine prepared for the wedding was finished, and they ran out of wine. Then the mother of Jesus said to him: “They have no wine.” Jesus answered: “Woman, why do you get involved in my affairs? My time has not yet arrived. »But his mother said to the servants: « Do whatever he tells you »»
(Jn 2, 1-5)

In the end, what is important? As my mom usually tells us:

“Know that we are not alone. We have a Mother in heaven. “

And what does our mother tell us about heaven?

“Do what my son tells you.”



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Source: es.aleteia.org