Prayer to Overcome Financial Struggles and Hardship
Praying in the midst of the storm
In the midst of this storm, I thank You most gracious one, for...
How a Ship was Miraculously saved by God through a Brown Scapular
A fierce storm threatened all on board, until a young Irishman held out the Brown Scapular he was wearing.
6 Reasons why all Christians (non-Catholics too!) should have a relationship with Mary
Even Karol Wojtyla wondered if it was possible to overdo our devotion, but there's no reason...
Powerful Prayer to God for Help with problems in Life
Calm my troubled mind(a prayer asking God for help with a difficult problem in life)
Prayers God Answers: Ask for Joy and Abundance in your Life
Prayer and Happiness belong together. No one can be happy if they don’t have peace of...
Say this Powerful Prayer to Attract Blessings in your Life
Lord, thank you for the goodness in my life. When I wake each morning, I praise Your name! You have given me...
Put yourself in the Presence of God with this Prayer
The prayer can be prayed before entering into a time of meditation.
When are Guardian Angels assigned to protect us?
Angels surround us from the very beginning of our life on earth.
A Prayer for Prosperity and Financial Blessings
Father, it is your desirefor us to prosper in allthat we do. We speakforth promotions, businessideas,...
How Prayers to Mother Mary are transferred to God
She is an "echo of God," a pure channel that takes our prayers directly to her...