Powerful Miracle Prayer For Impossible Situations


A very powerful prayer for difficult situations

Friends, this morning I want to share with you a very powerful prayer. It is a prayer to the Holy Spirit to be prayed in difficult situations. I can truly testify that many miracles have been obtained through this prayer.

Last night a friend, Barb, commented on my blog about a serious situation regarding a procedure her husband needs and the insurance company won’t approve it. (Please pray for them!) I just now read her comment, and was going to share this prayer with her, but I feel moved to share it with all of you.

I have always felt that this prayer is so powerful because the Holy Spirit tends to be the forgotten person of the Holy Trinity. We most often tend to pray to the Father and/or to Jesus. But if we think about it, The Father is, and has always been in Heaven; He sent His Son Jesus to earth. Jesus came to teach us the way to the Father, and to die and rise again to save us, and then to return to the Father. But before He returned to the Father, He promised to leave with us an Advocate (Jn. 14:16). The Holy Spirit is here in the world with us, He is in each of us, and He is here to help us – to teach us, to guide us, and to intercede for us.

So here is the prayer. I learned it and pray it in Spanish, so I am translating it and you may want to adjust the language a little.


Pray once:

May the Father command it, may the Son arrange it, and may the Holy Spirit appease the hearts of those who are against us.

Repeat 10 times:

Come, Holy Spirit, enlighten the hearts of those who can favor us. (or those who can help us)

Pray once:

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be. Amen.

Then all of this is repeated four more times.

(We usually use a rosary to say this prayer, using the beads to keep count.)


It may sound long, but it really isn’t. It only takes about 7 minutes to pray.

I know some people question repetitive prayer, but really, quiet, thoughtful repetition calms the soul, and helps us enter into the presence of God.

I invite you to pray this prayer for Barb, if you feel moved to do so.

WATCH: Powerful Miracle Prayer For Impossible Situations





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