3 Powerful Prayers to Padre Pio to ask for an Urgent Cause


Every time a faithful man approached Padre Pio to ask for help and spiritual advice, he repeated it tirelessly: “Let us have the firm hope of being heard, confident in the promise made by the Divine Master: ask and receive, seek and you will find … For whatsoever ye ask of the Father in my name, it shall be given you. ”

If you have urgency, do not doubt, fill yourself with hope and ask Our Lord through the intercession of Padre Pio, praying one of these three prayers:

Prayer to Padre Pio to ask for his intercession

Oh God,

that to Saint Pio of Pietrelcina,

Capuchin priest,

you gave the privilege

to participate, admirably

of the passion of your Son,

grant me,

by his intercession,

the grace of (making the request)

that I earnestly desire

and allowed, above all,

that I conform

with the death of Jesus

to reach, then,

the glory of the resurrection.
Glory be to the Father (3 times).


Prayer to ask for glorification

O Jesus, full of grace and charity, the victim of sinners, who, impelled by the love of our souls, wanted to die crucified, I humbly ask you to glorify also on this earth the Servant of God, Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, who, in participation generous in your sufferings, loved you so much and gave yourself so much to the Eternal Father for the good of souls!
I beg you, O Jesus, to grant me, through the intercession of Padre Pio, the grace (request), which I earnestly desire.

Glory to the Father (3 times)



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Prayer to ask for humility

Father Pio,

You lived in the century of pride.

and thou wast humble.


Father Pio,

You passed between us at the time.

of riches dreamed, judged and worshipped,

and you remained poor.


Father Pio,

together with you no one heard the Voice,

and you spoke with God.

Near you no one saw the Light,

and thou art God.


Father Pio,

while we ran anxiously,

You were on your knees.

and walked the Love of God nailed to a wood,

wounded in hands, feet and heart



Father Pio,

Help us to weep before the cross,

help us to believe in the face of love,

help us to feel the Mass as the cry of God,

help us to seek forgiveness with the embrace of peace,

help us to be Christians with the wounds

who shed the blood of faithful and silent charity,

like the wounds of God!
