Are You Scared? Then Say These Powerful Prayers for Protection and Guidance


There have been a few dreams during my 20-something years that have left me frightened. But one dream in particular left me speechless, dizzy, and nauseous from fear. In fact, I don’t think it was a dream, but instead was a night terror – the kind of dream where you cannot fall back asleep because it felt so real.

At that moment, I felt anything but peaceful. Since then, I’ve had to fight for peace to invade the anxiety.

I’m here to tell you that if you suffer from anxiety, I know what it feels like. And I’m also here to tell you that if you suffer from downright fear, I know what that feels like too.

The truth is that God did not create us to be a fear-filled people – an anxious people. Instead, He created us for peace, goodness, love, and lasting purpose – free from the chains of fear. It’s difficult to focus on the good things from God when your mind is stuck on the bad, right? When you can’t stop thinking about the dream you had, the unknown future, the weight of making big decisions or the pit that won’t leave your stomach?

We need prayer. We need a solid foundation on which to stand. And we need to be a people who cry out to Jesus when we’re tempted to fall into deep fear and anxiety.

Here are 10 prayers for anxiety & fear.

1. A Prayer for a Quiet Mind

“Lord, quiet my mind in this moment. Make fear disappear. In its place, plant truth. You are a God who saves, who loves, who comforts, who protects. Quiet my mind so that I can focus on you and your power. Make all thoughts that are not of you disappear. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

2. A Prayer for a Peaceful Heart

“Heavenly Father, my heart feels anything but peaceful in this moment. I feel afraid. But you promise in John 14 that you have given us peace in the form of the Holy Spirit. I know I can trust your promises, and I know you are not a God who lies (Numbers 23:19). So, please provide that peace to me now. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

3. A Prayer for the Unknown

“God, I am afraid of the things I do not know. I want to be excited for the future, but I find myself scared and overwhelmed. Please give me wisdom to move forward when needed, and the knowledge to know when to stand back and wait. Just as Solomon asked for wisdom in 1 Kings 3, I ask you for wisdom now, Lord. I surrender the future into your almighty hands. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

4. A Prayer for the Absence of Fear

“Lord, I ask for peace to enter & fear to leave! I ask for the absence of fear in my mind, my heart, my soul, my thoughts, and my words. I ask for deep faith to flood the fearful places – that I would remember your power and faithfulness in moments of fear. Keep the evil one away. Draw near as you promise in James 4:8. As I draw near to you, Lord, please draw near to me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

5. A Prayer for the Presence of Faith

“God, I believe in you and your power. I believe in your gift of salvation. I believe in grace and mercy. Thank you for making it possible for me to spend eternity with you! What a gift! Lord, I believe. Please help my unbelief in moments of fear and anxiety. I ask for more faith, for more opportunities to grow and become like Christ. Strengthen my faith, especially in moments when I find it hard to believe. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

6. A Prayer for Strength

“Heavenly Father, in Joshua 1 you tell your people to ‘be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.’ Lord, I want to be strong. Please supply me with strength and power, wisdom and knowledge. Make me obedient to your ways, able to fight fear, and victorious over anxiety. I trust that you are with me wherever I go, Father. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

7. A Prayer for Understanding Community

“God, please surround me with people who understand the pain of anxiety. Provide a community of people who can uplift and encourage, reminding me of truth when I need to be reminded. I ask for people who are gentle and kind, yet bold and honest. You created us to live in authentic community. Lord, give me courage to be vulnerable with those I can trust. In Jesus Name, Amen.”

8. A Prayer for Demolished Strongholds

“God, your word says that we should ‘demolish strongholds and every pretense that sets itself up against the knowledge of God…” (2 Corinthians 10:5) I know there are lies about fear and anxiety that I have believed. I ask that you would bring those false strongholds to light, that I would be able to defeat them with your truth. Anything that is of the world – meant to frighten me and cause anxiety – I ask that you would wipe it away. Help me to focus on you and your truth. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

9. A Prayer for Captive Thoughts

“Lord, 2 Corinthians 10:5 says, ‘…take every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ.’ When I am tempted to fear and give in to anxiety, I ask that you would stop me, causing me to take every thought captive. Fill my mind with truth so that I can easily remember what is noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy (Phil. 4:8). Take away the evil, frightening, anxious thoughts and replace them with your powerful, living truth. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

10. A Prayer for Protection

“Almighty God, some of my fear comes from feeling alone, unsafe, or unprotected. I know that you are the faithful protector. You say ‘don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.’ (Matthew 10:31) I ask that you would show me your faithful protection, and help me to believe in your powerful authority over my life. You are sovereign. I know I can trust in you. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”



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