Touch the Heart of Jesus with this Powerful Prayer and He Will Answer You Immediately


Second day

Preparatory Prayer:

Oh! Heart of Jesus, Heart inflamed with love for men, why do they correspond so poorly and only with contempt do they treat you?

And I was also the number of those ungrateful ones who do not know how to love.

Do not allow that, for the future, live still forgotten of your love.


The Heart of Jesus, maker of the Eucharist.

The Eucharist is the greatest gift of the Heart of Christ.

Source and crown of the whole life of the Church, the Eucharist-Sacrifice of the Mass renews at the altar the Work of Redemption, the Eucharist-Sacrament is life, Eucharist-real presence is the living love of Christ in our journey to the Father.


Sacred Heart of my Jesus, make me love you more and more.

Final Prayer:

Oh! God, that in the Heart of your Son, wounded by our sins, you deserve to lavish upon us the infinite treasures of love, we beseech you, rendering to him the precept of our devotion and piety, Repair.

By the same Christ our Lord. Amen.



  1. Oh Jesus, please have mercy on us and heal Randy. Please spare the boys and I from the suffering of losing him. We need him Lord. Amen

  2. Jesus, please heal all of my cancer. Please keep daughter and I working in new business .Heal my family in Loss of husband.

  3. Thank you my Lord and Savior for dying for my sins that I may live abundant Life. Have mercy on me and connect me to my destiny helper.


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