How Did The Virgin Mary Die?


3. The death of Mary could be conceived as a “dormant”

The New Testament does not give any information about the circumstances of Mary’s death. This silence induces us to suppose that it occurred normally, without any (extraordinary) fact worthy of mention.

Whatever may have been the organic and biological fact that, from the physical point of view, has produced death, it can be said that the transition from this life to the other was for Mary a maturation of grace in glory.

The illustrious mariologist Garriguet wrote these beautiful words; “Maria died without pain, because she lived without pleasure; without fear, because he lived without sin; without feeling, because he lived without earthly attachment.

His death was similar to the decline of a beautiful afternoon, it was like a sweet and peaceful sleep; it was less the end of a life than the dawn of a better existence. To designate it, the Church found a charming word: the dream (or sleep) of the Virgin.



  1. It’s logic to say that if the lord Jesus Christ died then the Virgin Mary must die too .. but in another hand we as christians should not put possibilities about our Virgin Mary last day on earth because it s clearly said in the holy bible that she didn’t die but she was transferred to the kingdom of God in body and soul because after the resurrection of her divine son who conquered death and defeat the satanic power and also refixed the relation between mankind and god the father the Virgin Mary merited to enter the heaven without Dying .
    It s just an opinion ( but when Jesus Christ manifested he asked one of his apostles to take care of the Virgin Mary by saying to him ” this is your mother take care of her ” which means that Mary lived after Jesus went up to the heaven .
    Which also make us think at what time did Virgin Mary left the earth and how ..?
    But Jesus had a mission to die for our sins ,
    And men weren’t created to die but to live forever but because they disobedient God’s will he deserved death for the remission son of sins in contrast Mary she was a good example and always obeyed god and doesn’t deserve death …remember Jesus died because he had a mission to be completed and to achieve salvation .


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